Thursday, July 19, 2018

I have very exciting news!  

The Bible plan "Overwhelmed by My Blessings" is now in book form. 

This printed version has been revised and expanded to include journaling questions you can reflect on during your quiet time, or better yet, with a group of mom-friends!

Highlight passages dog-ear pages, scribble notes in the margins...this book is for YOU, and my prayer is it will draw you nearer to God and your family as you travel the beautifully messy road of motherhood.

If you purchase a book, it would bless me so much if you’d be willing to leave a comment and rating. If you decide to get a group together for this book, I’d love to hear about it!


  1. I read all 11 Bible plans. I am thirst for more! I will for sure get the book. Thank you for the amazing stories and prayers! I feel overwhelmed with my blessings now and each day.

  2. Hi. Is this book available on Kindle?

  3. Very excited about this! Can't wait to get my copy. Thanks for doing this, your studies have been so helpful to me and I have shared them with many friends!

  4. I'm so excited! I grabbed it up and shared it to the many homeschool mom groups I'm in. I have been waiting for this! Thank you for putting it into book form!

    1. Lindsay, I’m also a homeschool mom and plan on hosting a Bible study. I know there are SO many moms out there that feel like we do. Homeschooling our children is no easy task - we are with our kids ALL day, EVERYDAY! Life can get overwhelming. Robin’s devotions has helped me get through those tough days so I want to share it with others.
      So from one homeschooling mom to another ~ Blessings and prayers for a great Bible study!
      Jan C. ~

  5. This is such exciting news! I have been reading each study on Youversion, but slowly because I know I am running out! I'm on 9 now, but when this goes into book form it will be my new "go to" gift for my Mom friends!! Thank you so much for your insight and encouragement! We have 8 kids, ranged 23 to 2 and ranging from birth-adopted-foster. I thought we were done after 4, but nope! God had other plans and blessing for us. Overwhelmed was the keyword of the day at times! Your study popped up just in time!

  6. Dear Robin. Thankyou so much for your book. It has already helped, not just for being a parent but just for coping with life's situations. I would really recommend it to others. It brings a sense of peace and reminds us we are not alone in the parenting adventure.
    Helen mother of two teens!

  7. Words cannot express how extremely thankful I am for these devotions and that you followed Gods lead in writing them . I honestly feel like your sitting next to me in my life and mentoring me . I am a mom of three and days can be long and short all at the same time. I’m so thankful for every devotion and all of your beautiful words. Your anointing is so evident and moving. Again , thank you seems trivial :) I wish I could give you a huge hug ! You are a blessing!! Thank you!!!!

  8. Your bible plan is just the thing that pulled me out of a big hole of postnatal depression after my 3rd baby 6months ago. I felt so out of control and not knowing whether I was coming or going I knew I needed time with Jesus but just couldn’t seem to get going. A friend introduced me to your plan and I feel like your right here with me cheering me on to look up and see his version of how it can be. Five weeks into reading your encouragement and his word each day now and wow I feel so much more equipped! I will be buying your book for sure and recommending it to all the mums I know! Thank you for being obedient to his call �� you are such a blessing!!!

  9. I just found this page after googling to see if you had a book! I am on Part 3 of your YouVersion Bible plan and today (like so many others), hit me right where I needed it. Mind-renewing and life-giving. I am so very grateful! I cant wait to get the book!!

  10. Wonderful, anointed, inspirational devotionals....thank you!!! (I'm a mom of 7 as well, although we are down to 3 in the house) ;)

    1. Isn't it interesting how the dynamics change as kids move on?

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I am so excited to get your book! As I mentioned above to another homeschool mom, having our kids with us all day, everyday is overwhelming to say the least. I have 2 daughters that we foster/adopted after our children were grown with families of their own. We chose to homeschool them - whew! What a task! Especially when one of them is FASD. She can challenge me several times a day. Thank you so much for your awesome devotionals! I asked my husband to buy the book for me for my birthday. I cannot wait to get your book in my hands and share with other homeschooling moms! I am planning to do a Bible study with our homeschool co-op moms. Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing your heart and being so transparent! It truly has helped me along this journey. God bless!

    1. I apologize for just now responding! You are amazing!! One of my daughters has taken on fostering 5 in addition to her 3 daughters!

      I hope the book has been helpful in keeping you connected to Jesus. He is our only hope! Thank you for sharing it with others.

      Keep pressing on in the more than difficult work of home education and taking care of those precious kiddos.

  13. I found your devotional on youversion a few weeks ago, and have been devouring the content. Thank you for following the Lord’s leading in doing this. I’m the mother of 12, in a blended family. I’ve been saved for 6 years, and been part of this family for 5. You have been a blessing and an encouragement to me. I can relate on so many levels to your experiences. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  14. This is Robin!

    I'm so sorry I haven't replied to your comments. Today (12/30) for some reason I haven't been able to resolve, I cannot reply to you. Please know that I so appreciate all of your comments. You bless me!

  15. I am so EXCITED you have a book! I've gone through your online version twice and was blessed each time.Now I will order the book.

    1. Thank you for your comment! There are two volumes now and the books are even better than the plans, imo. LMK your thoughts.

  16. Yaay SO glad I found this out!! I have been purposely not checking off the entire plan so it stays in my current plans and I can keep rereading some of them. I was so sad to find out there wasn't a part 13!! Maybe in the future?? :) I have been so blessed, & I highly recommend this plan to fellow moms!

    1. Yay! Now you can finish it. Ha! There are two volumes on Amazon. I had published the first before the other parts were written. The books have some bonus material and I’ve a positive response from them. Check them out!


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