Thursday, August 30, 2007

My Schoolyear Schedule

My daily schedule has gone through many changes over the years. Mine is so easy now, I hate to even share it with you.

6:00-6:30 am Arise
6:30-7:30 Bible reading, e-mail, personal reading, daily planning, start one load of laundry
7:30 shower, make bed, get dressed (boys are getting up and starting their day)
8:00 make breakfast and clean up kitchen
8:30 begin schoolwork with boys
between 8:30 and noon I:

try to get in some weight lifting
continue to work on laundry
clean around the house
check work that the boys have done

Our school time:
8:30-8:45 work with one son on math
8:45-9:00 work with other son on math
9:00-9:20 read a book together (we’ve read “A Young Man After God’s Own Heart”, “A Case for Christ”, and others
9:30-10:00 language (writing, grammar, etc.)
10:15-10:30 OUTSIDE!!
10:30- 11:00 science or history discussion over previous day's assignment
11:00-11:30 individual reading
11:30-? Independent work (finish math lesson, writing, music practice, chores

By noon I am finished with schoolwork. I’m still available to answer questions, but my “sit down” time is over. The boys usually still have writing and reading to do on their own. This is also drum and guitar practice time for them.

Afternoon: pre-make dinner (everything that can be done ahead)
Garden, read, more housecleaning chores, mending, etc.)

Two days a week we have music lessons, library and grocery store. I have tried to limit my getting out to only 2 days a week.

Our boys are encouraged to head to bed by 9:00 pm. They are allowed to read until they go to sleep.

Again, this is only a guide. It doesn’t always run smoothly or even on time. But, it’s what I aim for.
This is so easy now, compared to the time when we still had seven children at home! I’ll talk more about that schedule next.


  1. I just wanted to say that I LOVE reading your blog! I have four daughters 8, 5, 3, & 1 so I am desperate for all wisdom from godly women who have walked this path before me!!! THANK YOU for sharing!!!

  2. Thank you so much for leaving such a sweet comment. I also have 4 daughters! But they are now 28, 23, 20, and 19! (My oldest, Erin comments on here occasionally and has written a guest blog). It seems like just a short time ago that they were as young as your daughters.

    Continue to remind me of the victories and struggles you encounter. We will discuss them together right here!

  3. Yes, I have met your daughter, Erin, at the Lodestar Parenting Q&A. She is just precious! I have been praying for her since her husband is gone. She actually encouraged me in some challenges with my three year old, Ashlyn.

    I was inspired by your schedule to lay out some 'flexible structrue' for my days. I am hoping to be more productive this week because of it!!

    I think my biggest struggle right now is getting enough one on one time with each of my girls. It always seems that someone has not had enough of me by the end of the day! But I just keep thinking 'Im only one person!' I can't play Uno with one and read to another and change a diaper AND help with math all at once, but if I dont someone is mad at me!!!

  4. Thanks, Christie.

    Hang in there with all that you do. It will bring GREAT rewards! I promise! In fact, I got to go out to eat with just my four daughters last Thursday night. It was a blessing and quite an enjoyable evening!

    I'll talk about the struggle of there not being "enough of us to go around" soon!


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