Friday, January 09, 2009

My Kids are Dumbbells

I don’t ever want to hear anybody say they don’t have time to exercise.  If you are thinking that about your life, then you just haven’t gotten creative enough about figuring out how to fit that physical training in.  So maybe you’re a busy mom or dad who just can’t justify leaving their kids anymore than you already do to get to the gym.  Well, why not make kid time PT time too!


I’ve threatened to write a book called “Baby Dumbbell”.  I don’t want to go through the hassle of getting some doctor to help me make sure my methods are “safe”, so I’ll just get my message out on the web where I don’t have to worry about somebody suing me. . . wait you won’t right?   So, I’m warning you  - use at your own risk!  Grab those dummies (oops, I mean kids)  and let’s get in shape!


Set a timer on your watch and start jumping!  Trampoline, jumping jacks, in place - whatever!  You keep your heart rate up for 20 minutes, you are burning some fat off!  Don’t like to jump?  Do a routine of marching, running up and down stairs, walking, jogging, kicks, arm circles, you can even lunge around the yard.  The kids will love it!  Play follow the leader and you can take turns leading - you follow a rambunctious 5 year old around and you’ve had a workout that wouldn’t even rival any military PT! blog-032


Yucky weather outside?  Do it inside.  Tables are great for lapping around, crawling is even better inside.  Do bear crawls (on hands and feet), military crawls (on forearms and feet), jump like frogs, hop like bunnies, walk around the room like monsters (stay in a deep squat while walking around and roaring).  Put on some music and dance.  Let them imagine and make up things.


Not enough of a challenge?  Play games.  Tag, duck-duck-goose, freeze games, red-light-green-light, hop scotch, red rover, ball games, races, etc.  Set that timer and just keep moving! 


Ok, so for part of my book (using them as dumbbells).  Hold them and do chest presses, do superman (with them on your feet) and bend and straighten your legs, have them sit on your back while you do push ups.  Hold them in your lap while you do dips.  They can sit on you as you do sit-ups.  Give them a kiss or a five each time you come up! 




Let them sit on you while you hold a wall squat (back against the wall, legs bent at a 90 degree angle).  While standing lift them up and down.  Hold them and twist at the waist back and forth.  Just grab them and start doing something - be creative!  You’ll be surprised at what you come up with and the kind of workout you can have.


Maybe one of your resolutions this year is getting in shape.  Maybe it’s to spend more time with your kids too.  Well, you have no excuses now!  Grab them and get moving!  Follow some of these tips and make up some of your own and you are getting that body in shape and for all your little ones know you have just become a cool parent that likes to play with them! 


What activities do you like to do to keep you and your kids in shape?








  1. cute!!! and it obviously works: look at erin! :)

  2. Nice tone!!! My son is 6 ft tall so I don't think that I will be using your tips until I get me some grands. :)

    I can't wait to see you and though funny boys. I bet they have grown like weeds!!

  3. Sorry I have been having some great spelling success lately. See proof that California school are wonderful. LOL

    I can't wait to see THOSE boys!!! LOL

  4. I love this post!! You're so right - there are no excuses!! I just finished writing a similar one:

    ...but I really like yours because it involves a parent too. Awesome :-)

  5. Erin, Thank you so much for all the great tips! I am one of those moms who used to go to the gym. But 4 active kids later and I just don't have the time to go regularly. These are great ways for me and the little ones to be active and just to spend some time together playing. Playing, something else that gets neglected from time to time with all we have going on. Thank you so much for the inspiration!

    Brooke Hukill

  6. Will is pretty he makes a great dumbbell. ;) Obviously he does...look at those biceps!! woooooee!!

    Oh, and Theresa...You should try that "Superman" move with your 6' son!! haha. You guys could take turns! ;)

  7. I love the pictures! Look at Will! Could he get any cuter?

    We jump on the trampoline. We also play "airplane". Like the picture above with Kaden on your feet. Hide and seek is a big one. Riding bikes. Jumping jacks----see who can do the most! Jump rope. soccer.

    When the weather is cold I put in an exercise video and the kids do it with me.

    Oh, for dads, wrestling with the kids!

    Great post!

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    I love the family blog and the different views brought by each of you. I am thankful that you each are so willing to share your love for God and your lives.

  9. This is such a cool post. Totally creative, and timely for me. We were going to get a Y membership, but were not sure we could financially swing it quite yet. I thought all hope was gone for me to get exercise. But the same revelation hit me...I want my kids to be active, and I need to get active with them.

    Last week I took three of them (while baby was sleeping) out to the garage. I was on the treadmill while they rode their bikes in the garage (it was a cold day.) I thought I was being creative...but now this blog post is next level. Love it! Thanks for all the ideas.

    Oh, and you should write a book. Do you know how many women would go crazy over a book like this?

  10. They are so cute! You should write the book and put it out as an e-book. (Pages and covers are quickly becoming a thing of the past anyway...)

  11. I agree with Anna.

    I'm full of excuses! :-)

  12. You are awesome, Erin. And I am going to pray about it and not hold your arms against you.

    Maybe if I start bench pressing Garrett I can get my arms like that.

  13. [...] my kids (if it’s warm) or I want to start implementing some of Erin’s creative tips in this wonderful blog post. Let’s face it, I’m going to have to get creative with my [...]


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