Monday, July 07, 2008


It’s our nature to compare.

We go to a friend’s house. Their stuff is better than ours. Or, our stuff is better than theirs.

My kids are all right after all. They sure don’t act like those kids!

We think a family has it all together. It makes us think we don’t.

That mom is a much better mom than I. She does those great and fun things I’ll probably never do.

She’s prettier. He makes more money. He probably prays with his family.

The list goes on and on.

And, it’s a tool of satan to get our eyes and heart on the wrong things. To make us discontent.

II. Corinthians 10:12 has been a great encouragement and determent for me in the area of comparing.

“…but when they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are without understanding.” NAS

Other versions say “they are not wise”. Same thing. But I prefer the NAS in this instance. “Without understanding.”

Without understanding, I may miss the Truth. I may fall into sin, unaware.

I don’t know about you, but I really desire understanding. Even more than being really good at something, or having the best stuff, or even being the “example family”.

This verse has saved me many times when my mind wants to wander to those thoughts of comparing.

Who is our Standard of measure?

I choose understanding over comparing.


  1. Good reminder. Thank you.

  2. I don't care if I leave the same comment every day here... Your postsare always so full of wisdom and love. Thank you!

  3. Thats a good one. I have a hard time with this when it comes to my kids. Should they be potty trianed, why are they not talking, why wont they stop talking, and so one. Then the Lord tells me they are Nathan and Micah, not so and so=) Thank you for your sweet post!

  4. I keep working on letting go of the comparisons

  5. Amen.

    That is such a hard thing for me. I am trying to just see myself through His eyes.


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