Sunday, January 13, 2008

You've Got the Power!

How cool is your home?

I’m not talking weather. I’m talking about the quality and level of peace in your family relationships.

I’ll admit, there were days that I’d be carrying a bag of guilt and hurt feelings from a disagreement with Dirk. Or I’d be steamed because of the attitude of one of my children. But, I learned that my attitude filtered down into the hearts and attitudes of my children. And they acted out from the mood and tone I would set for the day.

I learned that the environment of my home began with the level of peace in my heart.

God wants us to be peacemakers. We are the ones who set the thermostat of our family’s day.

What’s the temperature in your heart, in your home?

Phil 4:7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (NAS)


  1. Robin, you're killin' me. Dangit, girl. It is so stinkin' hard to be a mom. I feel like I don't set a very good tone. Lord knows I try.

    Thanks for the reminder.

  2. This is such a good reminder!!! If we wake up singing His praises with His joy in our hearts our kids will follow us...most of the time :) It is even better when we can maintain that tone all the way until our husbands come home :)

  3. it's not only true for moms... but I've found when I have peace in my heart... even the worst things pale in camparison...

    I once read in a book about being a leader... leaders are either a thermostat (they set the attitude and tone of the atmosphere around them... or they're a thermometer... they take on the attitue and tone of the atmosphere around them...

    I'd rather be a thermostat!

  4. For the first four years of Addy's life, I woke her up EVERY morning by singing, "This is the Day" and "You are my Sunshine". I think it really helped us start our day with the right mindset...probably in the same way a morning bible study does for other mothers. When I no longer needed to wake her up, I quit singing to her...because I'd be busy or something when she got out of bed. I can tell it's made a difference!

    So, I'm going to make it a priority to set my thermostat correctly each morning.

  5. I would have to say our house is pretty "warm" I think it rises and alls, so to maintain a great temp. will require some serious Holy Spirit regulating.

  6. I need to let this sit with me for a while:) I have improved my irritability (IMO), but still need to work on being short with the kiddos at times. Thanks for the reminder

  7. It's a's still something I have to be aware of every single day. Thanks for all of your comments.

    One day--we'll ALL be perfected!! Yay!!

  8. Ouch...what a wake up call. I need to have a better attitude daily. I need prayer on this :)

  9. Great post Robin! One day, I woke up 30 mins. BEFORE we had to have everyone at a different location! We rushed - it was nuts - no checking the temp - just execution! That night, my daughter prayer Lord, help tomorrow be a more peaceful and less rushing around kind a day." ouch!


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