Monday, September 08, 2008

A Long Prayer

Celebrating the Labor Day weekend the ManyMeadows-plus gathered around the table full of steaming barbecue ready to bless the food and dig in.


Sadie (2 years) decides she would like to say the prayer. So, with bowed heads and maybe one eye open she starts mumbling words barely audible to the rest of us. I made a mental note in my head:  pray louder around little ones so that they actually know we talk to God and not just mumble a few words and then start to eat!


And deciding that sister’s prayer was not enough, Lily (3 years) starts praying over the food. Hands folded and eyes tightly shut she starts reciting the prayer like she does at home,



“Jesus, thank you for today, help tomorrow be a good day, thank you for our hearts, thank you for mommy and daddy and sister. . . “


she pauses not quite sure what to say next but with a little help from Grandpa pointing at himself and whispering, “Grandpa, Grandpa” she continues.


“Thank you for Grandpa, and Mimi, and Abbi and Do-do.”(the cousins’ name for Andrew).   Long sigh. . .


“And Kody and Alec and Kate-Kate and Alexander.”


She continues on down the list until each one in our family has been prayed for.  She even remembered Jacob who had skipped the prayer to take a quick shower after the backyard football game.


When she finally finished her prayer we all laughingly proclaim, “AMEN”!


Lily's sweet prayer reminded me that we should always be praying for our family members, even if there are twenty of them. It made me think of three very special women in my life, great examples of prayer warriors for their families:


-My awesome grandmother,  Laura Lee Thomas Marks

-My gracious mother in-law,  Nancy Mansour and

-My beautiful and hardworking mother,  Robin Meadows


All three of these women pray for their kids and grandkids with diligence, covering them with blessings and protection.


I'd like to challenge everyone to pray for each member of your family, individually, everyday this week. Pray for their successes, lift up their weaknesses and pray protection over them.  See how it makes you get along with your siblings better or gives you more grace for your children.


I'm excited to see how God will use this to change our hearts toward each other.




  1. Such a sweet story and so sweetly written. Another great prayer warrior momma told me once, if you're not praying for your family, who else is? Good point! Thanks for the reminders.

  2. So Sweet! The next night when Lily said her goodnight prayer she said "Thank you for Daddy, Mommy, Sister, and everyone else" It was cute!

  3. Pray for SWITCH this Wednesday! I could really use your help too, if you guys can come. Show up here at the northwest campus at 6:00pm... let me know if you can come!

  4. Those little girls are just the cutest. I love little kids whispered prayers. I think God hears them the loudest.

    Nice post Katie!

  5. awwwwh. that is so sweet :)
    i'm really impressed that she remembered everyone!


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