Monday, November 26, 2007

Are You Raising a Leader?

Your two-year old daughter is telling you what to do--again. Your four-year old son has a better idea on getting the job done. They are bossy, opinionated, argumentative and exasperating. Welcome to the world of roller-coaster parenting.

You are raising a strong-willed child. You are raising a leader.

Those very behaviors you never imagined your child exhibiting are the characteristics and personality traits that God placed in him. These are the virtues, that when directed and challenged, shaped and molded, will someday make him into a strong leader.

Recognize the tendencies of rebellion and rethink them as strengths of character that need redirection. See the challenge your child gives you to your way of doing things as a God-given gift of leadership and train it with the truth of God’s Word.

God gave you that particular child because He knew you could direct him into the person God called him to be.

In the meantime, you may discover some very revealing things about your self. Enjoy the ride!

Have any future leaders in your home?


  1. I have 2 - one is a pushy leader and the other is humble and able to gather everyone behind her in such an amazing way! I am blessed!

  2. off the subject - my technical skills are painfully slow! I finally figured out how to order the stuff on the LEFT! Please laugh WITH me! :O)

  3. can cats be leaders? :)

  4. Sheri,
    No doubt, you're raising leaders!
    And your second post--help me, I don't get it!

    Anne - YES! Definitely!! We have one at our house. My kids call her the "devil cat".

  5. Oh Robin, I think I have two. Dear Lord. Can you please come over and help me raise them? Pretty please? I could use your wisdom. Or better yet, stay with your family since they probably like you a lot and I'll just keep reading your blog. Deal?

  6. Cindy,

    haha - you make me laugh!

    No doubt--you are raising two--or maybe they're raising you? ; )

    You and Chris are doing a marvelous job with those two guys. They have the greatest personalities, are fun to be around, and I think they are well-mannered and polite. Keep up the good, hard work!

  7. I don't have any kids from my own womb... but my students are as close as I get right now.

    We've pulled some of the students who are constantly acting out and placed them in roles where that energy can be used for good. It's not easy and it takes intentional, relational work... but it is well-worth it in the long run... to think we could be training them for all that God has for them is amazing to me!

  8. I agree! I have a rule that my boys can challenge, ask questions, have a desire to understand..... without me viewing it as being disobedient. Although this may come across as questionable, if I am going to raise the next generation of world changers, they need to have that confidence instilled in them at early age. There is some cost as well as some give and take; however the results could prove to be priceless.

  9. Anna, same application--and they ARE your kids!

    I totally agree as long as respect is shown. I know some adults that still need to learn to disagree, but still show respect. And our kids need to know that sometimes, we can't give them the reason why the answer may be "no"--it's the beginning of them learning to trust.


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