Wednesday, November 07, 2007

I'm siding with satan on this one....

I’m a nothing. A big, fat zero. A nobody, zilch, nada, nil. Aren’t those the lies we hear whispered in our ears on a daily basis? Lies satan wants us to live and believe? Lies that will keep us beaten down and discouraged?

Well, guess what? This time I’m siding with satan! Yep, I’ve crossed the line and I’m agreeing with him.

But, I know a truth satan doesn’t get. You see, I've decided it's good to be a zero. A zero, in mathematics, is a placeholder. It has no value. It only represents a place. It is a position holder. Alone, zero actually is nothing. But with even the lowest number, number one, standing in front of it, it suddenly has value!

So, satan, while I’ll agree that I’m nothing, with The One standing before me, and with my willingness to be a placeholder in His Kingdom, well, I’ve got a greater value than you’ll ever know!


  1. Amen! I needed that today. Thanks!

  2. That is awesome...I never thought of it like that. AMEN!! I love reading your blog...always something interesting and uplifting.


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