Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Just Ask Him

More on our subject of honoring our husbands.....

In talking with Dirk on this subject, he suggested that most guys don’t really think about some of these questions, unless things are not the way they want it to be! How can we know what our husbands think, unless we ask him? How about writing some questions down, giving him the list and allowing him time to think about them? I think you’ll find that most of our husbands really do care about some of these things, but you’ll have to ask him to know for sure!

Here are a few suggested questions for him:

How does your husband like you to wear your hair? Long, short, fixed, messy, colored, not colored?

In public ; ), what sort of clothing does he like you to wear? Sweats? Jeans? Slacks?

What would he like to see going on at home when he walks in the door from work? (Maybe 5 things listed in order of importance?)
I asked this particular question many years ago and still have my list. Think I’ll do it again and see if anything has changed!

What are his three favorite meals that you make?

What is his idea of a great date night?

Nail polish or no nail polish?

Add to the list----what are some things you think we should ask our husbands? Report back!


  1. Those are all great questions and we have covered most of them at one point or another in our marriage. I actually ask him what color he would like on my nails when I go and get them done (he says Muffy is cheaper then professional help). Lately with the way things have been going with my health...He is happy to see me upright when he gets home....LOL I have the best husband in the world. Sorry Ladies you have no clue how great I have it.

  2. Good stuff. When Chris is going through a difficult time I often ask him, "What speech do you need to hear from me right now? The "when God closes a door, He opens a window" one? Or could it be the "It's okay, honey, I believe in you" monologue? Then there is always my fave, "Honey, whose butt do I need to chew?"

    He laughs and is always in a better mood. I ask him what he wants and needs and then we both end up laughing.

    Now, that's some best friendship right there, I tell ya.

  3. I have asked Jerome alot of these questions. Wonder why my hair is so long...not because I love it that way...but because he does :) I am going to think of some more questions to ask him...FUN!

  4. How fun! I can't wait till I have to do this!

  5. I don't like questions. The answers always seem to get me into trouble...

  6. I agree with the mountain man...this communication thing sends shivers down my spine just thinking about it. ;-) haha!

  7. haha, you guys are funny. Had this same conversation with my husband and oldest son last night. We laughed a lot! They said something like, those answers may end up costing me a lot---and NOT just $$...hmmmm... ; )

    I'll share a bit more of what they said tomorrow.

    Hang in there girls...we STILL need to ask!!

  8. This is great. I think that another good question to ask would be "Which activities/pastimes would you like to do on your own or with guy buddies and which would you like me to do with you?"

  9. JT's pretty transparent, but I like the one about what he might like to see when he comes in. I know he wants a big o' love fest, but that's beside the point. I'll randomly ask him if there is anything I can just do for him (besides the usual:)

  10. Hey, hey...let's keep this rated PG...this is a family show. ;-)


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