Monday, February 18, 2008

Think About It (again)

Repeat blog today....the denial of being sick isn't working so well ; ). I may hack up a lung!

Consider the awesome magnitude of this thought. Before time ever began, God chose you for your child and your child for you, complete with his specific birth order, and the specific personality traits geared to train you and him into righteousness!

He knew that there would be the greatest opportunity for your child’s heart to be completely turned toward Him by placing him under your care---at just this time in history! Wow! What a concept. It’s monumental. It’s incomprehensible!

Get this into your spirit and the next time life is overwhelming you, or your child is driving you absolutely crazy, consider the ‘bigger’ picture.


  1. Good stuff Mama Meadows... does this go for adopted children as well...or strange kids that just kinda show up at your house, say like hopefully next weekend:) Cause this weekend they are going to need prayer for a certain sleepover with tons of middle schoolers

  2. Of course it does, Jessica! You're one of ours! Come on out...when is your sleepover?

  3. That's humbling (and a little scary) to think I'M HIS BEST OPPORTUNITY! Quite a lot of responsibility I take for granted on too many days...

    Hope you're feeling better soon!

  4. I'm glad he placed me with you!

  5. Two words. . . Barley Green! ;) haha

    Feel better soon, sleep helps!

  6. Thank you so much. I really needed this today. I hope you are feeling well soon.

  7. Absolutely love that thought!

    The complete opposite thought is like last night when I visited a youth detention facility and watched "parents" yelling and trashing their children! Please pray for children with jacked up parents!!

  8. I love this:

    specific personality traits geared to train you and him into righteousness

    This is really good!


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